Welcome to The Jumpshot Doc homepage and thank you for visiting. The reason you have landed here is because you want to become a better shooter. Well, you’ve definitely come to the right place. At The Jumpshot Doc, our sole focus is to turn you into a consistent and reliable scorer by perfecting your shooting mechanics through old-school AND new-school methodologies. Our systematic approach to building consistent shooting will, over time, open up opportunities that were not there for you before.
It’s no secret every team needs players that can shoot. The thing is, not many players CAN shoot. That is why The Jumpshot Doc was created: to teach you how to shoot a basketball the correct way. Each shooting workout gives you personal instruction, supported by detailed statistics that are collected and stored by our Noah System.
Becoming a great shooter is hard and takes a lot of time. It takes patience. It takes discipline. It takes hard work. But most importantly, it takes LEARNING THE PROPER MECHANICS. Once you have learned the proper mechanics, it then becomes a question of repetition – repetition – repetition. It is paramount that each and every player that comes through The Jumpshot Doc program is committed to taking thousands of shots over multiple workouts, constantly tweaking and perfecting their form ( with the help of personal instruction and real-time feedback ) until the shot becomes automatic.
By finding us, you have taken the first step towards improving and mastering the fundamentals of shooting.